2020 Riccio Blu - All Rights Reserved

We Are Riccio Blu. Visual Communication.
Video Production. Let’s work together.

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Riccio Blu is a team of professionals which work in the field of visual communication. With our skills, we can respond, without exception, to all the different kind of needs of our clients. We are a team of qualified professionals and with our specific skills and experiences we can handle any request with the highest level of performance guaranteed. We believe that the best approach is to build an ad hoc team of expertise to match the needs of each project, managing the entire process from the design to the making of the final product.

L’Erba di Poseidone

Documentary, Video

L’Erba di Poseidone C’è un tesoro nascosto sotto la superficie del …

Rewilding Sicily: Indigenous CyberTrackers

Documentary, Photography, Video

Rewilding Sicily: Indigenous CyberTrackers Il rewilding è un approccio di conservazione …

Ustica Ghostnets

Documentary, Photography, Video

Ustica Ghostnets Ustica Ghostnets è un documentario di Stefano Coco girato …

AMP Isole Egadi

Documentary, Photography, Video

AMP Isole Egadi L’Area Marina Protetta (AMP) Isole Egadi, con un’estensione …

Stranizza d’Amuri

Cinema, Movie, Video

Stranizza d’Amuri Director: Giuseppe Fiorello Production: Fenix Entertainment Distribution: BIM Cast: …

National Geographic Explorers

Documentary, Video

National Geographic Explorers L’isola di Marettimo, che fa parte dell’Area Marina …

Wild by Nature

Documentary, Video

Wild by Nature Premiato al Fleurieu Film Festival (Australia) come miglior …

Abyss CleanUp

Documentary, Photography, Tv Show, Video

Abyss CleanUp Abyss CleanUp è una serie tv/web ideata dal documentarista …

Gramsci 44 – La fiction

Documentary, Photography, Video

Gramsci 44 – Le interviste All’inizio del 1900 ad Ustica, emarginata …

Gramsci 44 – Le interviste

Documentary, Photography, Video

Gramsci 44 – Le interviste All’inizio del 1900 ad Ustica, emarginata …

Ustica, gli anni del diamante

Documentary, Video

Ustica, gli anni del diamante La straordinaria storia di una piccola …


Photography, Travel, Tv Show, Video

WorkTrotter Worktrotter è Ramon Mazinga, un ragazzo che, lavorando, gira il …


We can offer a large variety of services owing to our main expertise


Cinematography | Documentary | Short films | Business | Commercial | Promotional | Aerial and underwater filming | Videoclips | Events | Video courses | Tutorials | Motion Graphics


Travel | Nature | Documentary | Underwater | Creative | Architecture | Interior | Commercial | Google Street View | Virtual Tour | Sport | Events | Cinema | Music

Google Trusted Street View

Create and verify G+ pages | Panoramic images | Editing | Checking | Creation virtual pageview | Publish on Google platform | Still images for “Place of interest”



+39 3332544426 . +39 3472646878 . info@riccioblu.com



+61 0421569136 . australia@riccioblu.com

Built with by Riccio Blu

Riccio Blu | Visual Communication